Humaine trop humaine

“To philosophize is to learn to die,” said Montaigne. But, faced with
the vertiginous immensity of philosophy, sometimes we’d rather die
than learn. In need of help? Trust Catherine Meurisse to illuminate
neon and nothingness and to air out Plato’s cave. The most famous
philosophers flow from her observant pen: Aristotle, Nietzsche,
Cioran, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hegel, Deleuze, Beauvoir, Arendt, Marx…
The cartoonist takes the opportunity to rail against the predominance
of men in the world of ideas. Handling philosophical concepts with
rigor and humor, dispelling myths, Man and Superwoman sketches
out a different way to think and be in the world.

La Coloc-au-Lac

Once upon a time, there was a Princess, a Fairy and a Mermaid… What ??? Again??? No, no, it’s not quite that… Our three heroines take us on an adventure as absurd as it is sororal, a story of friendship and emancipation.

Princess, Fée and Sirène are faced with a few problems when we meet them: Princess can’t stand her big dress any more, Sirèneurgently needs to find some water, and Fée is fed up with having to use her magic at the drop of a hat to do everyone a favour. What they have in common is a desire to be free, a desire to discover the wide world, a keen awareness that unity and support will make them strong… and an immoderate taste for the absurd and the bizarre. That’s all it takes to decide to set up a shared flat that looks like an ideal micro-republic: flat-shore

FAN MAN, L’homme au ventilo

Horse Badorties spends his nights in his pad on the Lower East Side and his days on the streets of the Bronx, Chinatown, or up in Brooklyn Heights. With his huge umbrella over one shoulder and his amazing fan in his hand—to keep him cool at all times—Horse scours the famous streets of ’60s New York in search of recruits for his great obsession: a Love Choir. Despite his oddball hobo look, Horse is a young man with heart. His frail health and lofty ambitions have something of the heroic grandeur of John Kennedy Toole’s Ignatius J. Reilly, while his “soft” drug-soaked language and zany coolness recall the Dude from the Coen Brothers’ Big Lebowski.

Lina et le secret de la passerelle

Lina a dix ans et deux maisons. Chez sa mère et chez son père. L’une de nos jours et l’autre en 1910. Elle va d’un temps à l’autre, d’une vie à l’autre grâce à une passerelle cachée en plein cœur de Paris. Un secret qui n’est pas simple à garder pour la jeune fille… Inquiète pour la librairie de son papa, menacée par la grande crue de la Seine, Lina commet plusieurs imprudences et éveille, dans le présent, les soupçons de Gus, son nouveau camarade de classe, mais aussi, dans le passé, ceux de deux malfrats.