All ages
Axel and his friends have a dream. They want to become rock stars, and not just international, but intergalactic! One evening, they bump into the little demon Krazzak Thot. He grants their wish by calling to action the greatest producer in the galaxy : Daddi Paktol.
This unusual extra-terrestrial signs a contract with Axel and his friends, promising to take them under his wing and make them the brightest stars in the universe. Now they must face a grueling training period. Their first crucial challenge: passing the qualifying rounds of the Mastoc Galaxy Tour, an interstellar springboard for new musical talent. The three friends have their work cut out for them, since they’ll face not only musical competition, but gladiator-style combats!
Whether it’s on Earth, with their terrifying schoolteacher Barbara Konan, or in space as they face a series of ever more eclectic rival bands, Axel, Dino and Teddy will never back down from a challenge.
Reconciling their lives on Earth with the lifestyle of an interstellar star, all without rousing the suspicions of their parents or other adults, is just one more challenge for the three friends !
As Superman put it, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ ! It’s all well and good to be the biggest rock stars in the universe, but Axel and his two friends will soon begin to realize that glory doesn’t come without consequences.