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It is the story of a family in the year 2000, the dramatic story of an ordinary family, confronted by the ruthless demands of the society around them, and ready to explode. It is especially the optimistic story of the redemption of one teenager, whose family crisis plunges him into despair. Yann, aged 15, feels that the breakdown of his parents’ marriage is unavoidable…
Over the age of 40, his dad has lost his job, unemployment is his only perspective and his only remedy against the anguish is alcohol. Upset by the downfall of her husband, his mother is more and more tempted to find love again with someone else. Sophie, his sister who is 18, works as a shop assistant and affirms her independence by going out clubbing every night. Luca, his younger brother of 11, has difficulty adapting to the cosmopolitan atmosphere of his school…