Le chalet bleu

Young Alice wants nothing to do with the religiosity and social ambitions of her immediate family. What’s more, she finds their daily lives unbearably dreary and depressing. Her sole desire: leave them and join the animals in the Valley of the Wolves. For ever since her youth, she has been fascinated by the wolves and the legends associated with them. Alice will abandon her stuffy inner world in favor of the magical creatures of the woods. The drama that unfolds when she meets a boy who’s been wandering ageless in the Valley for a thousand years is the crux of this majestic graphic novel.

Isabelle – Intégrale T1

La porte de la sorcellerie n’a certainement pas attendu Harry Potter pour être poussée…

En apparence, rien ne distingue la vie d’Isabelle de celles des milliers de ses lecteurs. Cette petite fille coule en effet des jours paisibles chez sa tante Ursule, au bord de l’Atlantique. Et pourtant, Delporte, Macherot, Franquin et Will présidant à sa destinée, le merveilleux n’est jamais bien loin. Fantômes, pouvoirs paranormaux ou mariage de son oncle Hermès avec la jolie sorcière Calendula, tout est possible et rien n’est jamais effrayant.

Profitez donc de cette réédition pour passer le coin de la rue en compagnie d’Isabelle. L’aventure et le fantastique y attendent toujours ceux qui ne l’attendent pas !

Cet album est composé des titres suivants : «Le tableau enchanté», «Isabelle et le capitaine», «Les maléfices de l’oncle Hermès» et «L’astragale de Cassiopée».

Isabelle – Intégrale T2

Depuis le mariage de son oncle Hermès avec la jolie sorcière Calendula, la vie de la petite Isabelle a pris un tour encore plus merveilleux ! De l’astragale de Cassiopée à l’étang des sorciers, la fillette a heureusement l’habitude des sortilèges, monstres et malédictions en tout genre !

Ce deuxième volume des intégrales Isabelle nous permet de redécouvrir le fruit de la collaboration entre quatre géants du 9e Art que sont Will, Franquin, Macherot et Delporte.

Cinq branches de coton noir

Philadelphia, 1776: George Washington asks Betsy Ross to design the first flag of the future United States of America. Her housemaid, Angela Brown, adds to it a secret tribute to the black community: a black cotton star that she slips under one of the white stars.
Dover, 1944: A soldier named Lincoln receives a letter that reveals Angela Brown’s memoirs. Does the star that she mentions truly exist? In light of this revelation, three African-American soldiers set out on a dangerous mission, ranging from liberated Paris to the snow-covered Ardennes, seeking answers, and the ultimate prize…

La Mémoire de Dillon

We’ve seen Joe Telenko, we’ve seen Martha, and now we’re plunged into the day to day existence of Dillon, a Native American and father of the boy that Telenko killed in a tragic car accident. Dillon is now in a living hell. He’s lost everything. He’s miles from his homeland, pushed to the margins of an inhospitable society. And he’ll do anything to eliminate Joe Telenko, the source of all his woes.

Les Jambes de Martha

Martha could have chosen another man. In that dump where she grew up, they were all falling at her feet. Because of her legs, actually – dancer’s legs. But she loved Joe Telenko, a guy who drank too much and drove too fast. And ever since the accident, it’s over. Just like life. These days, Martha chews over her hatred in a wheelchair. While Joe slogs around New York’s shadiest neighborhoods in his taxi, she creeps around the house, rummaging through his things and reading his journal, just to get an idea of what his life is like. Nothing particularly surprising: some girl he hooks up with when he’s got enough cash to get her drunk, visits to Arthur the medic, a tachycardia problem and a few notes like “I’m going to kill her.” That’s right. Joe wants Martha’s head on a platter, and Martha herself would like to see Joe croak. The only reason they don’t separate is because each of them hopes to one day gaze down on the corpse of the other…

Le Coeur de Telenko

Telenko, a New York taxi driver, spends his days ferrying around the dregs of society in one of the city’s roughest neighborhoods. He has an obsessive fear of dying like a guy he saw in a film, who’d hear his heart stop every 15 beats.
Because Telenko himself has a tired heart. He has a minor case of tachycardia and the odd extra systole, not helped by his stressful job and the constant abuse from his wheelchair-bound wife, Martha: “You don’t divorce a wife in a wheelchair, Telenko!”
She’ll get what’s coming to her, no doubt. Just like that slut who just got in his taxi who’s fooling around with some other guy right under her decrepit old husband’s nose.
So he decides to kill Martha.
But you gotta have some guts to kill your wife in cold blood. Especially when she’s got a nasty surprise in store…

La Russie

Le diamant