En même temps que son dernier livre, un auteur de romans fantastiques a envoyé à Ric Hochet un message alarmant et une invitation à le rejoindre dans un petit village de montagne. Selon l’écrivain, «Les Spectres de la Nuit» ne sont pas les terrifiants personnages d’une très ancienne légende locale, ils existent vraiment et ils sont là, signant leurs agressions d’une sinistre croix…
Au cours d’une émission de télé, Ric Hochet est mis au défi par un inconnu. Rendez-vous lui est fixé par «Les Compagnons du Diable» qui lui promettent un échec cuisant ! Une mystérieuse organisation use inexplicablement des codes secrets de la police et de la sécurité de l’Etat pour commettre des méfaits qu’elle marque d’un logo satanique…
«Cauchemar pour Ric Hochet» : des documents ultra secrets ont été volés dans le coffre-fort réputé inviolable du commissaire Bourdon. L’œil électronique du coffre a photographié le voleur et d’après le cliché, le coupable s’avère être le journaliste de «La Rafale». Tout l’accuse en outre d’être l’auteur d’une série d’autres crimes…
Alors qu’il fait route vers la France, Ric Hochet recueille au bord de la route un individu cherchant à fuir la dictature d’un pays de l’Est. Sa voiture est rapidement prise en chasse par les forces de l’ordre qui veulent empêcher le fugitif de franchir la frontière. Le journaliste s’en retrouve contraint de lutter «Contre le Bourreau», le chef du contre-espionnage de cet Etat…
Is every man killed in combat reborn in the sky in the form of a star?
Is seeing a bus in your dreams really a sign of impending death? In 1917, Jan Van Meer, an operative with the Allies’ intelligence services and a renowned expert on folklore, travels across Europe in search of an engineer named Hellequin, inventor of the dream cannon and barbed plant-wire now obsessed with reading the ruins of war. Van Meer’s mission: not to find Hellequin at all costs. With his trademark wit, original drawing style, and wild animation, David B. takes viewers deep into the torment of the Great War, where beliefs and superstitions inextricably mix with the horror of reality.
“Following an absurd dream logic, Reading the Ruins hardly keeps to a rational path, and David B. is as creative and imaginative as ever. His extraordinary detailed panels blend symbols with drawings that look like illustrations from medieval texts, blending folklore and mythology into the dark brutality and nightmarish quality of total war, finding a way to get beyond the surface to try and touch on the underlying insanity, and the insanity of seeking some kind of meaning or order within it.” The Digital Fix
Carole and Alex are two unabashed, attractive, highly skilled art thieves, able to steal any painting in any museum. While looking for a driver, they meet Sam, a female motorcycle champion with many skills. The newly-born trio is destined to become a legend…
Jonas and Jason are twin brothers gifted with extraordinary parapsychic powers. The pair of them are employed by a secret organization to locate certain people around the planet. Jonas, the more trusting of the two, is convinced that they’re working for the benefit of these people, but Jason knows things his brother doesn’t. Will he manage to keep his secret from a twin who can read his mind…?
”Series creator Pierre-Paul Renders has gone deep for this story, and between you and me I’d love to get a look at his notebook. How he and co-writer Denis Lapiere are able to tell such detailed stories, each lining up next to and often intertwined with the five other books, is nothing short of a miracle”The Pullbox
Noah’s got everything going for him: he’s good-looking, smart, wealthy, arrogant and cynical. And he has every reason to be: he’s the son of the most powerful man on the planet, the President of the United States. But right now, he’s in a critical condition between life and death, following an attempt to take his own life. How did it get to this point? What’s his connection to this pretty young woman that a psychic tells him is the love of his life?
”Series creator Pierre-Paul Renders has gone deep for this story, and between you and me I’d love to get a look at his notebook. How he and co-writer Denis Lapiere are able to tell such detailed stories, each lining up next to and often intertwined with the five other books, is nothing short of a miracle”The Pullbox
In 1940, Cartier-Bresson buried his equipment to prevent the Nazis getting their hands on it. He was taken prisoner, made three escape attempts in the time he was held, and was present at the liberation of the concentration camps in April 1945. He was a pre-war humanist photographer who bore witness to some of the biggest events of the 20th century. This photo was taken in Dessau in 1945 and shows the moment where a former prisoner identifies a Gestapo informer.
In 1812, in order to keep his stranglehold on Europe, Napoleon had no choice but to declare war on the Russian emperor, Alexander. After three months of marching, his men, starved and exhausted, finally made it to Moscow… only to discover that the city had been deserted. Thus Napoleon and his army took up residence in the Russian capital without even the slightest resistance. But by nightfall, Moscow was on fire. Houses, churches and even the Kremlin were ablaze, and the entire French army risked being reduced to ashes. Caught in the trap, Napoleon was forced to leave the city and get back on the road to face his enemy.