Yojimbot – Tome 1

In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro’s dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro’s already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a “yojimbot,” and together they seek to avenge his father’s death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the “rights holder,” before the soldiers and their drones close in…

Les Cercles du pouvoir

Things aren’t looking so great for Valerian and Laureline. Having given up their job as time-space agents on planet Rubanis, they’re struggling to scrape together the 700 000 they owe for repairing their spaceship. Just in time, this chaotic planet’s chief of police offers them a little mission: to find their way into the Circle of Power to find out who (or what) exactly is in charge, and responsible for the havoc that’s fast becoming unbearable…

Now available in print from Cinebook

Épisode 5