Un son étrange, mystérieux, a résonné dans la montagne. Un son qui conduira Jonathan à rencontrer un personnage envoûtant, parfois inquiétant, mais plus encore à partager, en plein Himalaya, une étonnante amitié avec un homme qu’il aurait dû haïr au plus profond de lui-même…
Le Photographe de Mauthausen
This is a dramatic retelling of true events in the life of Francisco Boix, a Spanish press photographer and communist who fled to France at the beginning of World War II. But there, he found himself handed over by the French to the Nazis, who sent him to the notorious Mauthausen concentration camp, where he spent the war among thousands of other Spaniards and other prisoners. More than half of them would lose their lives there. Through an odd turn of events, Boix finds himself the confidant of an SS officer who is documenting prisoner deaths at the camp. Boix realizes that he has a chance to prove Nazi war crimes by stealing the negatives of these perverse photos—but only at the risk of his own life, that of a young Spanish boy he has sworn to protect, and, indeed, that of every prisoner in the camp.
Chien fidèle
No summary available for this book, sorry !
La Flamme verte du conquistador
Les ouvriers d’une plantation de café se laissent débaucher par un prospecteur d’émeraudes. Bernard Prince s’efforce de les détourner de “La Flamme Verte du Conquistador”…
La Frontière de l’enfer
Suite à un problème mécanique, Bernard Prince, Barney et Djinn sont contraints de faire escale dans un port privé, Coronado. Ils y rencontrent une vieille connaissance, Kurt Bronzen, l’ancien roi du commerce de Lombashi. Celui-ci est en conflit avec les paysans du pays. Bronzen rachète leurs terres pour une bouchée de pain, les chassant au besoin, afin de les revendre à prix d’or…
Le Maître de l’illusion
Un milliardaire américain installé près de Paris est victime de menaces proférées par un inconnu qui se surnomme “Jack l’éventreur” !
Les Guerriers du désespoir
Just when the Triple Six Ranch is finally back up and running, disaster strikes in the form of a potential Indian uprising: the local Cheyenne tribe has not been receiving the food supplies promised by the U.S. government, and decides to steal Comanche’s cattle. As Red Dust goes searching for answers to try to prevent a violent war, Comanche is held hostage, the men from the railroad get fidgety waiting for their meat, and the boys from the ranch make a reckless decision.
20 ans de génie
Les Millions de Kid Ordinn
No summary available for this book, sorry !
Digne d’une reine
The Valkyries have passed judgment. Kriss of Valnor has been sent back to Midgard, free to live a new life… on one condition: should she kill anyone or anything, she herself will be struck down. Befriended by Hildebrun, daughter of King Gustavson, she suddenly finds herself in the midst of intense political scheming, caught between the threat of Emperor Magnus, invading from the south, and a new, mysterious healer-king who’s trying to unite the Vikings…