235 * 310
All ages
A collection paying homage to the heritage of the modern Franco-Belgian comic book, through a generation of exceptional authors. This fourth and penultimate collection comprises a selection of short stories featured in Pilote between 1980 and 1985. There are some real gems and a dream cast: Gibrat, Baru, Pierre Desproges, Cabu, Pétillon, J-C. Denis, Veyron, Solé,
Cabanes, Jijé, Blanc-Dumont, Greg, Goetzinger, Christin, Baudouin, Buzzelli, F’murrr, Boucq, Mouminoux, Cailleteau, Vatine, Caza, Tronchet, Manara, Le Tendre, Ferrandez, Rodolphe, Régis Franc, Morschoine… Have fun!!