On his papers, he’s called Antoine Blérien. But he gives himself the nickname of ‘The Badger’. Something to do with the ‘salt and pepper’ color scheme, but also with the insignificance of this creature and its habit of running away and going underground, rather than facing up to its problems. So you get the idea: Blérien’s no hero. A trombone player in a second-rate club, he fills up his free time knocking back bottles and indulging in absurd dreams of love and happiness. Are they really that absurd, though? After all, who knows? When Brenda Wooltone, a young American woman who writes children’s books, comes into his life, all his dreams suddenly seem like they might just come true! And not only his dreams of love, but also dreams of making his fortune, becasue the young couple, doubling up as police officers and crooks, manage to get their hands on a fabulous treasure trove! So is this the happy ending of a pretty fairy tale? Not so fast! As Lao Tzu would have said, the higher you climb, the further you have to fall…!