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If only men got their periods, then menstruation wouldn’t be the shameful
physical manifestation that it is for so many women across the world. On the
contrary, if it were a male characteristic, then menstruating would be a sign of
pride, a mark of virility even, and not getting your period would be what’s stigmatizing.
This is the amusing hypothesis on which this comic book is based
to deconstruct the taboos surrounding the menstrual cycle. It shines a light
on various big moments in history, from the prehistoric to Donald Trump, and
looks at the foundation of religions to see how all this has affected our attitudes
on the menstrual cycle. If Only Men Got Their Periods transposes this female
physical phenomenon on the opposite sex with a healthy dose of humor and
anthropology, and in doing so shows that the taboos surrounding menstruation
didn’t just appear from nowhere but are in fact the expression of a rather
specific system of domination: the patriarchy. And it’s okay to laugh about it!