He then moves on to Editions Delcourt, creating an impressive number of works showing his strong social interest: Quelques jours avec un menteur (1997), Le Réflexe de survie (1998), La Gloire d’Albert (1999), Anticyclone (2000), Rural (2001), the latter constituting a sort of illustrated report on the problems caused by the construction of a motorway section cutting through an agricultural zone. In 2002, Guy Delcourt entrusts him with the management of a comic book collection on contemporary issues.
Davodeau also writes the script of Max et Zoé for his friend Joub, a series for young children which happily continues at Delcourt since 1999 (Les Voleurs de roues, Un camion pour les moutons, Des animaux bizarres, etc). He writes La Gagne, a social story confronting a conformist setting with the world of the homeless, illustrated by Jean-Luc Simon (Editions Charette, 2000). Following the autobiographic trend launched by the Association members, he re-creates his own environment for fun in L’Atelier (Editions P.M.J., 2002).
Being a part of the “Aire Libre” collection (Dupuis ) means the recognition of his still developing talent.