From 1987 to 1991, he wrote animation scripts for the weekly Spirou, with Benoît Ers, Mauricet, Bruno Wesel, Olis, Bruno Gazzotti, Jean-Luc Cornette, Philippe Wurm, etc. doing the illustrations. That same magazine Spirou published his first series, “La Vie Secrète des Poubelles” with illustrations by Malik.
1990 : 144 single-plate gags for Marsu Productions (illustrations by Serge Carrère, Benoît Ers and Mauricet).
1991 and 1993, for Fleurus Presse : adaptations of “Les Fables de La Fontaine” and “Le Roman de Renart” (illustrations by Serge Carrère), “Poil de Carotte” and “Le Petit Chose” (illustrations by Bruno Bazile). Animation series (drawn by Mandryka and Pierre Ouin).
1992 : cooperation with Peyo for Benoît Brisefer (album “Hold-up sur Pellicule”, Le Lombard, 1993). Drawn by Pascal Garray.
1994 to 2001, for Le Lombard : the “Muriel et Boulon” series (illustrated by Benoît Ers). 6 albums.
1996, for Bayard Presse : animation series (drawn by Edith).
2000, for Casterman : the “Les Jeux sont faits” series (drawn by Olivier Saive). 1 album.
Since 2000, script of the Marsupilami series (drawn by Batem) at Marsu Productions. He currently works on the third album.
2002, for Milan Presse : scripts for the CD-ROM Mobiclic.
Since 2002, script of the “Les Démons d’Alexia” series at Dupuis (illustrated by Benoît Ers).
Vincent occasionally tries his hand at communication and cartoon advertising (Human Rights, Brussels, about aphasia, Kid Cool, KiteKat, etc.) always entrusting the illustrations to his faithful friends: Benoît Ers, Olivier Saive, Mauricet, etc.