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mediatoon septembre 2022
Another year at Mediatoon Academy
Wake up everybody, it’s back-to-school time! Here at Mediatoon Academy, we have an extensive program that will provide you with the most complete education.

Start the day with our history class! You will learn everything about the French Revolution through two brilliant works (Revolutionnaires and Le Fil de l’Histoire). You’ll then move on to contemporary events, including an in-depth study of the Armenian Genocide.

In the next class, you’ll study literature, with a monograph about the French playwright Molière. After lunch, it’s time for the science lesson, where you will discover everything about the evolution of species. The day will end with music, a class dedicated to the greatest guitarist of all time: Jimi Hendrix!

This year, we’ve introduced a brand new class to our program: sex education! Discuss important topics such as male contraception and the impact of having a period… as a man!

Are you ready for a new school year at Mediatoon Academy? Just bring your notepad, and we’ll bring the books.


P.S. Our full catalog of non-fiction comics is now available for download via this link.

Compilations & special editions



Saint Seiya - Time Odyssey

Saint Seiya – Time Odyssey (1)

By Jérôme Alquie & Arnaud Dollen

BD de genre
Publisher: Kana
Genres: Action & Adventure, Fantasy & Esoteric 

Saint Seiya, the one everyone knows, but against an all-new adversary! Chronos, the god of time, wants to become the 13th primordial deity of Olympus, like Hades, Poseidon, Athena, and the others. For that to happen, he needs to build a Doomsday clock which will allow him to change the past, present, and future as he sees fit. To be prudent, the god of time hides his tracks: he only acts in epochs different from legend (before the Sanctuary until after Hades) to avoid attracting attention from the other gods. He is supported by the Lepta army (young knights) commanded by his powerful generals, the 12-hour knights. With the help of these loyal and ferocious warriors, Chronos is convinced that everything is going according to plan, but he didn’t take into account the knights of Athena!



Fanette – Mal dans la peau des autres (5)

By Julien Monier & Gaët’s

BD de genre
Publisher: Petit à Petit BD
Genres: Suspense & Thrillers, Drama 

People sometimes die to widespread indifference. People who have no family or friends. They can stay a long time at home before they’re discovered. Fortunately, the company hiring Derrick and his colleagues is in charge of cleaning up gruesome scenes before families come over. What they discover sometimes is not a pretty sight…


Les Tuniques Bleues

Irish Melody (66)

By Willy Lambil & Kris

BD de genre
Publisher: Dupuis
Genres: Action & Adventure, Western 

The fat one is Cornelius Chesterfield, a zealous sergeant of the US Army. The small one is Blutch, a crafty little man who is always moaning, and dreams only of deserting. Caught up in the midst of the American Civil War, these two do what they can to
escape the problems that come their way in the shape of narrow-minded superiors, ridiculous orders, and, quite simply, bad luck. Through these hilarious, action-packed tales, Lambil and Cauvin present a caustic critique of the absurdities of war and obtuse militarism.

Graphic novel


Léo en petits morceaux

Léo en petits morceaux (One-shot)

By Mayana Itoïz

Publisher: Dargaud Benelux
Genres: Historical fiction 

In 1967, Franz, a German soldier, returns to France to show his wife around the Basque country. There, in the inn where he lived during the war 25 years earlier, he stumbles upon Léo! The unexpected encounter causes deeply-buried memories to resurface in the French woman’s mind. During the Second World War, Léo was a waitress in the family inn, which had been requisitioned by German officers. She fell in love with Félix, a friend and fellow soldier of Franz. Although she wore the mask of indifference towards the occupier, Léo had a passionate affair with Félix.


Le coeur des zobs

Le coeur des zobs (One-shot)

By Bobika

Publisher: Dargaud
Genres: Non-Fiction 

Bobika is a man on the pill. In Hearts of Knob, he recounts his journey faced with self-doubt, the deconstruction of his own virility, physical discomfort, but also the fragility caused by a sometimes caustic, jeering, and mocking environment. In sharing his exchanges with sociologists, doctors, and feminists, he shows us that beyond a personal initiative, male contraception is above all a social issue. A “ballsy” project!


Sandrine et Flibuste contre la maltraitance animale

Sandrine et Flibuste contre la maltraitance animale (One-shot)

By Sandrine Deloffre

Publisher: Dargaud
Genres: Non-Fiction 

Sandrine and her dog Flibuste investigate the treatment of animals whose living conditions are far from ideal. Intensive breeding, slaughterhouses, hunting with hounds, and training for shows and television are all subjects addressed in this series. With her unique humor and cynicism and an intrepid dog detective by her side, Sandrine talks about ordinary barbarism and questions the power dynamics between humans and animals.


Une histoire du génocide des Arméniens

Une histoire du génocide des Arméniens (One-shot)

By Kyung Eun Park, Gorune Aprikian & Jean-Blaise Djian

Publisher: Petit à Petit BD
Genres: Historical fiction 

This is a fictional tale about an Armenian family torn apart by the terrible genocide. This informative book provides historical facts that help understand one of the most brutal persecutions in recent history.


Si les hommes avaient leurs règles

Si les hommes avaient leurs règles (One-shot)

By Camille Besse & Eric La Blanche

Publisher: Le Lombard
Genres: Humor 

If only men got their periods, then menstruation wouldn’t be the shameful physical manifestation that it is for so many women across the world. On the contrary, if it were a male characteristic, then menstruating would be a sign of pride, a mark of virility even, and not getting your period would be what’s stigmatizing. This is the amusing hypothesis on which this comic book is based to deconstruct the taboos surrounding the menstrual cycle. It shines a light on various big moments in history, from the prehistoric to Donald Trump, and looks at the foundation of religions to see how all this has affected our attitudes on the menstrual cycle. If Only Men Got Their Periods transposes this female physical phenomenon on the opposite sex with a healthy dose of humor and anthropology, and in doing so shows that the taboos surrounding menstruation didn’t just appear from nowhere but are in fact the expression of a rather specific system of domination: the patriarchy. And it’s okay to laugh about it!



Darwin, Dieu et les hommes chevaux (One-shot)

By Alexandre Franc & Jean-Baptiste De Panafieu

Publisher: Dargaud
Genres: Non-Fiction 

Evolution is a documentary comic book centered around the theory of evolution according to Darwin. But it is also a work of fiction, in which actors put on a play about Darwinian evolution and its political extensions (social Darwinism, eugenics, transhumanism).During the writing and rehearsing of the play, they will be confronted by an evangelical sect that wants to promote creationism and to stop the play from being performed in high schools at all costs, but also by a rich transhumanist industrialist who wants to influence the text.


Jimi Hendrix en BD

Jimi Hendrix en BD (One-shot)

By Yazid Manou & Collective

Publisher: Petit à Petit BD
Genres: Biography & Memoirs 

50 years since his death and Jimi Hendrix still remains the greatest guitarist of all time. Some say he was gifted, others say he was superhuman. Whatever the case may be, he was the incarnation of rock’n’roll in all his outrageousness and creativity. This biography traces the life of an artistic phenomena who carried his art with him all the way to the heavens.


Molière le théâtre de la vie

Molière le théâtre de la vie (One-shot)

By Thomas Balard & Dobbs

Publisher: Petit à Petit BD
Genres: Biography & Memoirs 

Find out all about the thrilling life of the most famous playwright in French history: the one and only Molière! A snapshot of 17th century France, the king’s court, and the intense cultural life of the period, featuring Louis XIV, Lully, Racine, Corneille, and more!




Oneira (2)

By Federica Di Meo & Cab

Publisher: Kana
Genres: Manga, Fantasy & Esoteric 

Call on her when nightmares become a reality! In an obscure world gripped by terror, our worst nightmares have come to life, becoming monsters that resemble humans. Faced with this threat, the Epeires corps, an armed wing of the Ordo-Sancti, a powerful religious group, becomes for a ray of hope in a world of darkness. By vanquishing the creatures coming from their own dreams, the Epeires awaken within themselves remarkable occult abilities. They’re able to free those who are imprisoned in their own nightmares and destroy the powerful beasts that have been terrorizing them with magic spells. Arane Heos, a cold and dispirited woman, is a member of the Epeires. A skilled swordswoman, she has slain more beasts than anyone can remember. But a burdensome secret, one that she has only confided to her friend Bastione, is going to put them on a collision course with the zealots of the Ordo-Sancti.


Le Collectif

Histoire de notre éco-hameau (One-shot)

By Samuel Wambre & Julie Feuillas

Publisher: Dupuis
Genres: Drama 

United by a common desire to go green and to find a more community-based approach to life, a small group of neo-rurals invests in an eco-hamlet and sets up a collective. Everything has to be built from the ground up! But turning their dreamt-up theory into reality proves to be far more complex than expected.



Superino à la rescousse ! (One-shot)

By Nicolas Keramidas & Lewis Trondheim

Publisher: Dupuis
Genres: Humor 

In the 60s, the character of Superino, a naive masked superhero with a big heart, gave hope and a smile to Italian young people, still marked by the dark years of fascism. A satyrical and delirious version of the American superheroes, but integrating the Neapolitan way of life, the series quickly became a success without equal. Always on the lookout for goodies, Charles Dupuis and Yvan Delporte had even considered translating his incredible adventures in the Spirou newspaper just before the mafia, outrageously mocked in the stories, put pressure on the authors to put an end to their series. Dupuis Editions has entrusted three great authors with the exciting mission of finally bringing this mythical character to the general public! Forget about political correctness and dive into the fresh and crazy world of Superino, the most famous Italian superhero!


Matteo Ricci

Dans la Cité interdite (One-shot)

By Martin Jamar & Jean Dufaux

Publisher: Dargaud Benelux
Genres: Biography & Memoirs 

Early 17th century, Peking, China. Father Matteo Ricci is an erudite man of learning. He is completely enamored with China and Chinese culture and dreams of meeting the Emperor one day. But there are many obstacles in his path.

Children's & family


Le Jardin secret

Le Jardin secret (2)

By Maud Begon

Publisher: Dargaud
Genres: Literary adaptation, Action & Adventure 

When Mary’s parents die, she moves to England, where she is sent to a strange mansion in the middle of the Yorkshire moors, belonging to her uncle. It is here that she discovers the comfort of friendship… and a wonderful secret that she soon shares with her new companions: a garden forgotten by everyone, whose key, as if by magic, also opens the doors to broken hearts. This is a two-part graphic adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s 1912 classic of children’s literature.


Coeur Collège

Un chant d’amour (3)

By Maya & BeKa

Publisher: Dupuis
Genres: Comics for girls, Humor, Romance 

Linon and Garance are best friends with very different ideas about love. To get to the bottom of what all this romance stuff is really about, they decide to conduct an investigation into some of the older students at their middle school. Why are certain kids more popular than others? Why do some already have a “bad reputation” by the 8th grade? Why is everyone so obsessed with appearances? Along the way, the pair discover that, for best friends who are supposed to share everything, they’ve both been keeping some pretty big secrets of their own.


Révolutionnaires !

Les Princes Misère (1)

By Xavier Fourquemin & Régis Hautière

Publisher: Le Lombard
Genres: Historical fiction 

In 1792, when her carriage is attacked, Célénie sees her mother die in front of her. The latter, drawing her last breath, asks the daughter’s tutor to do everything in his power to protect her daughter. Both of them flee in the night, but not without noticing that the leader of the brigands who attacked them has a scar on his left temple. Arriving at her uncle’s, the Marquis de Valloire, she thinks she is saved. But as soon as she arrives, he murders the tutor and Célénie goes on the run again, pursued by a henchman of the marquis, Cravenne, whom she recognizes by the scar on his temple. Her uncle is behind the coach attack. Célénie flees to Nantes, sneaks into the market crowd, and comes across two kids, Toine and Titor. The two young thieves, intrigued by this aristocrat whose dress is filthy and torn, decide to help her, hoping perhaps for a nice reward. But the enemies are numerous, and the marquis has a lot of friends and influence. Célénie and her friends will do all that they can to defend their right for freedom in a country gripped by the greatest political and societal upheaval in history. Throughout their adventures, the series will outline the drama of the Revolution and the war in Vendée, this pivotal period that heralded the modern world.


Rainbow Girls

Viracocha (3)

By Hélène Canac & Carbone

Publisher: Dupuis
Genres: Fantasy & Esoteric, Comics for girls, Super-Heroes & Super-Vilains 

Through a series of strange coincidences, Gwen, Lisa, and Mel form a girl-group of super heroes: the Rainbow Girls. But it’s not all fun and games: there are powers to be perfected and missions to carry out!


Léon et Lena

Les gamins de l’enfer (1)

By Clémence Perrault & Damien Cerq.

Publisher: Dupuis
Genres: Humor 

Leon (the big brother) and Lena (the little sister) are left to their own devices… Without a parent to keep them in line, it’s a bit of a party every day! Especially because they have to keep boredom at bay… So to keep themselves busy, they get into all kinds of trouble! Sometimes a little bit of trouble… but mostly a lot!


Léon et Lena

Les fauves sont lâchés (2)

By Clémence Perrault & Damien Cerq.
Dupuis Jeunesse

Le fil de l'Histoire raconté par Ariane & Nino

La révolution française (24)

By Sylvain Savoia & Fabrice Erre

Animal Jack

Le plein d’aventures (7)

By Miss Prickly & Kid Toussaint
Action & Adventure, Fantasy & Esoteric
Le Lombard

Les Enfants de la Résistance

Combattre ou mourir (8)

By Benoit Ers & Vincent Dugomier
Drama, Historical fiction
Compilations & special editions



421 - Compilation

421 – Compilation (2)

By Maltaite & Desberg

BD de genre
Publisher: Dupuis
Genres: Action & Adventure 

421 is a James Bond-esque comedy adventure series that plays on the British sense of humor. It recounts the adventures of a clumsy spy. This compilation brings together the first three volumes in the 421 series.


Michel Vaillant - Dossiers

Le Circuit de Magny-Cours (16)

By Michel Janvier

BD de genre
Publisher: Dupuis
Genres: Action & Adventure 

Created and directed by Philippe Garton, this collection has made graphic novels a reporter’s medium. Thanks to the reconstruction of key scenes from the lives of remarkable characters, to the specialist texts and often never-seen-before photos, the “Dossiers Michel Valliant” (Michel Valliant Files) tell real-life stories in a resolutely original way.