The sun is shining, the trees are blossoming, and the days are getting longer. This can only mean one thing: it’s time to start planning your summer holiday! To help you choose your destination, this month’s releases will take you all around the world and let you discover the most incredible locations.
In the new graphic novel, Sermilik, Max, a French man who has been living in an Inuit village in Greenland for over 30 years, will guide you through this beautifully wild region, with its harsh weather, breathtaking landscapes, and time-honored traditions.
If you are looking for a romantic holiday, what better destination than the Eternal City? Thanks to this brand new guide in comic form, you will discover the history of Rome, as well as its secret spots and the interesting anecdotes about its inhabitants.
With so many incredible locations, it may be hard to choose just one. Luckily, thanks to the illustrated book, Le Concours des cabanes, you can travel all around the globe to help a heron hold a contest for the best treehouse.
Pack your bags and get ready for the adventure!
P.S. We are thrilled that several of our titles have been nominated for the 2022 Eisner Awards: Orwell by Pierre Christin and Sébastien Verdier (best Reality-Based Work); Little Nemo by Frank Pé (Best Painter/Multimedia Artist); Unmasked by Breri and Nuitt (Best Webcomic); Days of Sand by Aimée de Jongh (Best Digital Comic)… Votes are open until June 8 at this link!