Another year full of great comics is ahead of us, so we are starting strong, with powerful stories about inspiring characters and their unwavering desire to fight for the right cause.
Brancusi’s legal battle to get his exhibits recognized as works of art in America is wonderfully depicted in Brancusi contre États-Unis. Arnaud Nebbache’s graphic novel is not just a courtroom drama, but a tale of one man’s crusade against the system that seems hostile to fresh ideas.
On the other side of the Atlantic, in Belgium, a couple of kids will give us a lesson in resistance. With Les amis de Spirou, Morvan, Ervrad and Ben BK gave us a tale, based on a true story, about children’s friendship and honor in the Resistance movement during WW2.
In 1974, everyone gathered in Kinshasa to watch the boxing match between Ali and Foreman, but for sixteen-year-old Tshilanda, the fight took place far from the ring. After she unwillingly becomes pregnant, Tshilanda decides to write the rest of her story in the USA, and to name her daughter Liberty.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the stories that we will be presenting in 2023. Brace yourselves!