It’s been said that good things come to those who wait. Luckily, that wait just may be over, because some of our favorite titles are back on the shelves!
After 80 years, Jean Van Hamme continues the story of Edgar P. Jacobs’ U Ray in La Flèche ardente. And in case you are not familiar with the comic that paved the way for Jacobs’ famous duo of detectives ⎯ Blake & Mortimer ⎯ a re-release of the original Rayon U has hit the stores as well.
Ana Ana‘s fans are also rewarded for their patience this month. Pico Bogue’s little sister is never short of ideas, so she and her cuddly toys promise a fun and, as always, tender new adventure.
In some other, fantastical universe, young Turo is back in a special collection that gathers all four volumes of the series.
Now wasn’t that worth the wait?