Last year surprised us with all kinds of unexpected and tragic events. But when you scroll through the list of our latest releases, you’ll see that our comics heroes aren’t any luckier than the best of us. Catastrophe and adversity of one kind or another are never far away…
In Akkad, for instance, five teenagers with superpowers will have to deal with an alien invasion, while in Yojimbot a man-made crisis destroys all traces of life and Earth is populated by android samourais. But tragedy is also a very personal affair, as it is for Chen in Le Reveil du Tigre (Tiger Awakes), who fights post-traumatic stress after fighting in the American Civil War. The same can be said of Nicolas Keramidas, who in A Coeur Ouvert (Open-Hearted) recounts having heart surgery as a child and again as an adult.
Luckily, these characters will find the strength and courage to surmount setbacks and face misfortune. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!