Elizabeth is a little girl, but she is also a vampire. And she really really wants
a pony that’s also a unicorn! After running into a fake Father Christmas (and
treating him accordingly), she falls in with Diego, a lonely, sulky little boy with
a prosthetic right hand who shouts and screams when things don’t go his way.
Even though she finds him rather noisy, Elizabeth makes friends with him. She
tells him about Saint Nicholas, because he’s the real Father Christmas, and
he tells her about Golden Boy, his favorite superhero, because he’s… well,
he’s Golden Boy. Now, as everyone knows, Saint Nicholas puts children back
together when they’ve fallen to pieces, so why not ask him to restore Diego’s
right hand? All they have to do is pretend he’s fallen into a thousand pieces…
well, 52 anyway, since Elizabeth hasn’t learned to count up to a thousand yet.
A new children’s series full of imagination and emotion … and diabolical humor.
(Think “Mortelle Adèle,” “Little Vampire,” and “The Big Bad Wolf.”)