Myrkos is an incredible artist! Without a doubt, he is the most talented ornamentalist in his school, the Imperial Scola. If he were only satisfied… The trouble is that he proves to have a strong temperament. And even more, he seeks to question the official rules of Art which he judges academic and old-fashioned. The Headmaster of Scola swears to participate to Mykros’ downfall. But Myrkos doesn’t care about that – the only thing that interests him is to reproduce reality on paper. He doesn’t know it yet, but what he is searching for is the secret of perspective…
After the hero-fantasy, here is the ancient-fantasy! The idea is as simple as it is original: to set a story in an imaginary universe that is amazingly reminiscent of our antique schoolbooks – but with a certain indescribable sense of the strange and the unreal. It’s as if Homer meets Tolkien. A mixture of great adventure, fantasy and history, Myrkos brilliantly inaugurates a new genre richly endowed with narrative possibilities. Between the reconstructed past and the fantasized future, this new series involves the reader in a world that’s both familiar and puzzling. With Jean-Charles Kraehn in command of the scenario, the reader can be sure to embark on a solidly structured story that will lead to the realm of action and exotic new surroundings. As for the Brazilian graphic designer, Miguel, he has chosen for his mentor his compatriot, Léo, the author of Aldebaran and Betelgeuse and a tireless creator of many other worlds.