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Edward Glonek, CEO of a big real estate company, is trying to groom his son Simon for the top job. Alas, his son does not possess the temperament of a senior executive. Deep within, his mind is controlled by the dictatorship of reason, embodied by the captain, a tyrant who suppresses Simon’s personal fulfillment and whose motto is “stability, rigor, authority”. Meanwhile, Gerry Geronimo, main opposition to this internal regime, is safely under lock and key. Now the simple sale of an apartment, which has been entrusted to Simon by his father, is about to upset everything. Lisa, the potential buyer, is a gorgeous but austere young woman and her own conscience is under the spell of a despotic power of a different kind: Camilla, his inflexible mother superior who otherwise dictates Lisa’s behavior is struggling to restrain Nora, the flower‐woman churning inside Lisa’s heart of stone. It is the unexpected love at first sight between Simon and Lisa which will allow Nora to escape and set Gerry free.