The story is set in Paris, in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. It was a time of great artistic flowering: Parisians were in love with the arts, and especially with painting. But the rule of the day was still “academic art.” Impressionism had not yet made its mark on the world.
An unsuccessful young painter, Félibert, is about to throw himself into the Seine after suffering the wrath of the critics, especially that of a certain Fulmel. Though he doesn’t know it, this act will change his life: A naive young mermaid, who has decided to come up the river in search of excitement, saves Félibert. It’s love at first sight. The two embark on a passionate affair, and Félibert rediscovers his desire to paint — with the mermaid as his model! His career takes a new direction, but Fulmel is determined to find out Félibert’s secret. In the meantime, the mermaid is growing bored, and decides she wants to explore herself what Paris is really all about!