In those days, the gods were reigning over Greece, and the humans were living in perfect harmony with them… or… nearly! The plot starts in Thebes, which was at the time under the protection of the goddess Athena. The town was inhabited with glorious warriors; all of them rivals, and worshipped by women. A certain freedom characterized the habits of the inhabitants, and quarrels were getting fixed in front of everyone, in public. This is where Tirésias, a compulsive and somewhat pretentious seducer, lives. For having abused one of priestess of the temple, he brings down Athena’s wrath; the goddess casts a spell on him and turns his body into a woman’s one!The character of Tiresias first appeared in La Gloire d’Héra (The Glory of Hera). This character is now the hero of an atypical peplum full of fantasy.And there are also 24 pages previously unpublished.