Yokozuna is the story of Chad, George Ha’aheo Rowan, the first non‐Japanese sumo wrestler to attain the rank of yokozuna (supreme champion), the highest level in sumo hierarchy. We will follow this young Hawaiian’s career as he leaves everything, his island and his family in order to devote himself to this Japanese martial art. What he does not know is that there have only been 63 yokozuna in the history of the sport, all of them Japanese, and that each and every one of the 800 sumo wrestlers currently on the professional circuit have the same exact dream as he does!Embarking on a difficult path in order to ascend all the levels of this national sport, he will have to overcome the “handicap” of his foreign status, get others to accept him, and “wrestle away” the coveted title for himself. Amazingly, he does it all and ends up attaining the equivalent of a semi‐god status in Japan.